Adobe Books 20th Anniversary Art Auction
Saturday, March 28, 2009
at Southern Exposure 14th Street gallery
417 14th Street at Valencia
San Francisco, CA 94103
3:00 - 8:00 pm
One day only
Free Admission

Online Preview (in progress):
Participating artists include Airyka Rockefeller, Ajit Chauhan, Alena Rudolph, Alicia McCarthy, Alissa Anderson, Amy Jo Diaz, Andrew Schoultz, Barry McGee, Brion Nuda Rosch, Bryson Gill, Chris Baird, Chris Corales, Chris Duncan, Christine Shields, Clare Rojas, Colter Jacobsen, Dave King, Dave Schubert, Devendra Banhart, Emily Prince, Future Farmers: Amy Franceschini & Michael Swaine, Jay Nelson, Jeff Canham, Jennie Smith, Joe Byrnes, Johanna St Clair, John Dwyer, Joshua Churchill, Jovi Schnell, Kal Spelletich, Kathryn Spence, Klea McKenna, Kyle Field, Kyle Knobel, Kyle Ranson, Leslie Shows, Liz Walsh, Matt Furie, Matt Gonzalez, Misa Inaoka, Naoki Onodera, Nathan Stapley, Orion Shepherd, Rachel Corry, Rachel Kaye, Ryan Coffey, Ryder Cooley, Sahar Khoury, Scott Williams, Shaun O'Dell, Sonya Derman, Tara Foley
Will Yackulic, Yukako Ezoe Onodera
Silent auction ends at 6pm
Live auction from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Cash, check, Visa/MC accepted
Vietnamese sandwiches by Le Bahn Mi at 5:30pm
The Café by Dori Latman serving coffee and tea all day
Special Thanks to Southern Exposure, BiRite Grocery, Gregory Lind, and Triple Base Gallery for their support.
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